Article 6, Section 4.
In all meetings of the Trustees, 10 Trustees shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, provided there are at least five WGA Trustees, or their alternates, and five Producer Trustees, or their alternates, present at the meeting. During the absence of a quorum at any time during a meeting, the Trustees shall have no power to transact any business other than to adjourn. If the quorum is lacking because of the failure to attend of the minimum required number of either WGA Trustees or Producer Trustees, but the minimum required number of one such group is present, then the group so present may require any proposal or proposals properly on the agenda of such meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of this Article VI, to be specifically placed upon the agenda for the next meeting of the Trustees and to be specifically included in the notice calling such next meeting. If at such next meeting a quorum again shall not be present because of the absence of the minimum required number of Trustees from the same group which caused the failure of a quorum at the first meeting, then upon adjournment of the second meeting as in this section provided and required, the vote of the absent group of Trustees shall be deemed cast automatically in opposition to the vote of the group which has been present at such meetings, so as to cause thereby a deadlock vote between the groups, which deadlock vote may then be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of this Article VI.